HGov: Agents of Socialization

Agents of Socialization

The process by which individuals acquire their political opinions is called political socialization. During childhood, the family and schools are important sources of basic political attitudes, such as beliefs about the parties and the nature of the U.S. political and economic systems. Many of the basic orientations that Americans acquire during childhood remain with them in adulthood, but socialization is a continuing process. Adults’ opinions are affected mostly by prior beliefs, peers, political leaders, and the news media. Events themselves are also a significant short-term influence on opinions.

The agents of socialization are family, schools, mass media, peers, and political leaders and events. The family is a powerful agent of socialization because it has a near monopoly on the attention of a young child, who places great trust in what a parent says. Schools has its major impact on children’s basic political beliefs rather than on their opinions about specific issues. The themes and  images that prevail in mass media affect people’s perceptions of their world. Peer groups reinforce what a person already believes.Citizens look to political leaders and institutions as guides to opinion.Churches play a substantial role in shaping social and political opinions including ones related to society’s obligations to children, the poor, and the unborn.

Read Chapter 6 pp.193-195


Econ: Types of Systems

Types of EconomiesAll societies must make choices about what to have and what to give up because resources are always scarce compared to people’s wants. How those choices get made depends on a society’s economic system. Every society is faced with three economic questions:  What goods and services should be produced? How should they be produced? Who should get what is produced? How a society answers those questions depends on its economic goals. These goals include economic freedom, efficiency, equity, growth, security, and stability. Societies have developed three economic systems to answer these questions.

In a traditional economy, decisions are dictated by custom, tradition, and the ways of ancestors. The goals are economic security and stability.

In a command economy, a powerful ruler or government makes decisions. The goals are equity and security.

In a market economy, decisions are made by the interactions of producers and consumers. The goals are economic freedom and efficiency.

Most countries today have a mixed economy, in which both the government and individuals have a voice in economic decisions.

Americans describe their economy as a free enterprise system. This system has seven key characteristics.
• Economic freedom to buy and sell what we want and work where we want
• Competition among firms, which try to attract customers with new and better products
• Equal opportunity to make the best use of our talents, abilities, and education
• Property rights that allow us to buy, own, and sell goods and intellectual property
• Binding contracts, which give us confidence that others will abide by their agreements
• The profit motive, which provides an incentive to work and start new businesses
• Limited government that regulates without controlling individuals, firms, or the market

1) Read Chapter 3.3 pp.41-46
