Gov: Political Issues Survey


Content Objective:

Understand the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship and how citizens can influence all levels of government.

Language Objectives:

  • Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through informational text and direct instruction.
  • Identify and/or summarize main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in an informational and/or practical selection.
  • Read and synthesize information found in various parts of charts, tables, or diagrams to reach supported conclusions.

Learning Target:

Students will explain how government policies and decisions have been influenced and changed by individuals, groups, and international organizations.


If you were to register for a political party right now, which party would you choose? (Democrat, Republican, Independent, Third Party) What are some of the reasons for your choice?

You will assess your views on political issues. Next to each statement, write the number that best describes how you feel about that statement. Answer as honestly as possible.

Political Issues Survey 

Next to each statement, write the number that best describes how you feel about that statement.  Answer as honestly as possible.

5 = Completely agree 

4 = Somewhat agree 

3 = Agree or disagree, depending on the situation 

2 = Somewhat disagree 

1 = Completely disagree 

Complete the survey and tally your scores to see where you fall along the political spectrum.

Some of you will identify as a Moderate and lean Conservative or Liberal on issues. (Nothing wrong with that.)



The views and opinions expressed here are those of the students and speakers of our government classes and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of this website, institution, or organization. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.